QR - Creative Advertising Solutions
b r i n g y o u r m o b i l e t o l i f e
Here are some creative ways to use QR
B a n d s a n d a r t i s t s
No matter what your requirements are this is just the right things for bands and artists to be grasping onto and using to spread the word. QR is a great way to get the stumble upon attention you need with a street cred edge. Let's come up with a creative way to integrate this into your world.
B u s i n e s s a n d a d v e r t i s i n g
As you can see by these examples QR code is widely know, has been tried and proven and is a great addition to any marketing campaign.
Im able to create your unique QR symbol and work with you in applying it to your business.
Im able to create your unique QR symbol and work with you in applying it to your business.

Personal QR Stickers
Im working with Shogun signs & print to create unique QR icons for business and creative people for application onto surfaces, We cut your symbol out of high quality vinyl to what ever size you require, sick it on your car, boat, plane or office to instantly and interactively advertise what ever you want. launch your web site offer a personal message or dial your business phone number instantly it can be done. Please contact me information and quotes.
$99 for supplied coded sticker 200mm X 200mm - available in black or white - symbol supplied in AI and JPG format for all usage.
Test how QR works by trying the symbols below
Get it on your phone!
QR Reader for iPhone
A portable QR code reader for the iPhone. Fast and effective with the real-time auto detect mode. Available on iTunes app store, click icon to view app.
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QR Barcode reader software all makes of phones
If you are looking to download a QR-Code reader (software) so that you can scan and read mobile barcodes (QR-Codes), you have come to the right place (click below). We have compiled a list of the best QR-Code reading software available to download on the internet. If the QR-Code reader is not on our list, it's not worth worrying about.