Eye Design is the home of Lawrence Eastland, specialising in
Graphic Design - Web Development - Art Direction - Brand Development - Online Marketing.
Graphic Design - Web Development - Art Direction - Brand Development - Online Marketing.
“I literally maintain and launch global companies marketing campaigns and international brand rollouts combined with current analytics and SEO driven results with integrated social marketing unicorns.”
f o l i o
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Welcome to my folio, it simply showcases work I have done over the years ranging from advertising, logo's, photography, web design and more. I personally choose to focus on developing cool web sites for people now because im enjoying it the most. Please feel free to have a look around as it still gives you a visual perspective of the kind of work I have loved working on.
t e s t i m o n i a l
“I have worked with Lawrence Eastland on several independent projects, including designing packaging for cd’s and dvd’s, designing booklets for cd’s and dvd’s and most recently the layout of a 368 page coffee table book and a non fiction trade paperback. Lawrence is an extremely fast worker and highly skilled on the computer, moreso than any other designer i have worked with, his speed and flexibility are outstanding. Be it a website design, a cd package or an entire book Lawrence has the skill and talent for any design application.”
Andrew Crockett www.switch-foot.com
Andrew Crockett www.switch-foot.com